“ “Continuing our sponsorship with Zero Waste NYC, Arc’teryx Broadway sponsored a rooftop tabling event at Brooklyn Solar Works in June 2022, where eco-minded companies shared ideas, knowledge, low/zero waste products, and resources to make an eco-conscious lifestyle more accessible.
We were able to promote our UsedGear product line, talk about our ReBird Center, and offer education about how to make outdoor apparel last longer. We were a bit worried about the rain, but it turned out to be a big opportunity for us to educate guests on the right apparel, and we wore our rain shells in an unintentional demonstration of our product! Attendees wearing their outdoor rain gear were very interested in our repair offerings. It was a great opportunity to show the value of our gear, and attendees showed so much interest in our general product knowledge, especially our sustainable practices.
As far as our overall experience working with Zero Waste NYC—it’s been seamless! From the beginning, they have been super organized, which I brag about all the time when informing our staff of upcoming events we’re doing together. The workshops have been a big opportunity for us to promote our ReBird Center since not a lot of our customers know about it just yet. Our store teams feel very strongly about sustainability, and we have all learned so much about being more environmentally conscious from the workshops!” ”
— Arc'teryx rep, 2022 workshop sponsor
““Nicole was great! She helped us strategize how to bring sustainable practices into our business and hosted a workshop to inform and inspire our employees in leading a zero waste lifestyle. It’s not only the right thing to do for our planet but our clients appreciate it too!””
““Our partnership with Nicole and Zero Waste NYC quickly became one of our favorites! Each workshop provides compelling information paired with realistic steps that one can follow to cut down on wasteful habits. Partnering has not only inspired our customers but also motivates our brand to continuously improve our packaging and sourcing.””
— Rachel Steinhauser, Farm to People - workshop partner and host location
““Nicole was very easy to work with; punctual, professional, and passionate. What more could you ask for?””
— Kristel Rodriguez, Airbnb NYC Office - corporate zero waste training